I had the opportunity to fish with Norman Lee and talk to him about Powercore Rods LLC. Norm became friends with owner and head rod maker Warren Page while fishing the old FLW tournament circuit. Warren has been building custom rods for over a decade and building rods for friends and family a lot longer. Fishing is his passion, which is why he started building his own rods many years ago. Now Warren is helping others do exactly what he did with his rods- get out there and make memories with an affordable, high quality, custom in your hand. PowerCore's mission is to build the quality rod you really need. Warren offers a variety of handles, reel seats, blanks, to truly make it your own style of fishing.
Warren builds each Powercore Custom Rod one at a time, and he makes the effort to get to know the customer needs- grip, body size, forearm length and fishing style, including where and how

you hold the rod and handle length preference. How much is rod weight a factor could dictate whether you need a foam or cork handle- 90% percent of a rods weight is in the handle. As I experienced using one of Norm's signature rods, Powercore rods can be one of the lightest rods you'll ever hold without compromising strength, power or sensitivity.
When Warren builds you a rod, he wants you to fully understand how critical your choice in guides is. Warren prefers the Microwave Air slim ring guide system. The benefit of this system is that the line goes through the first guide, then flattens out with no resistance or friction as it travels throughthe remaining guides. It then comes off the tip in a better position to provide you better accuracy and longer casting distance.

Most rod companies make trade-offs to accomodate mass production. They build light rods that sacrifice longevity or power, and they build sturdy rods that often compromise your sensitivity. Warren takes the time to select the right blank/ component combination to get you the characteristics you need without compromise.
Powercore offers a Norman Lee signature series flipping stick developed and customized by Norm for power and backbone with a faster more parabolic tip to reduce the chance of you ripping the hook out while still having the control and power needed to dig a big fish out of heavy cover. It has a Winn-grip handle to help achieve all this while still being one of the lightest you'll ever hold. You can't beat that.
If you're intersted in learning more you can contact Norman Lee Fishing Guide Service or open a dialog with Warren at (256) 496-4047 or and begin your journey to #LiveThePassion with the perfect rod for you.
